Ruzbihan Baqli – searchable text

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The recognizers at the house of the seven climes
have all surrendered because of incapacity.

In His path incapacity is perception.
If you claim [to perceive Him], that would be associationism.

His Essence is not encompassed by intellects.
Witnessing It is not described as incarnationism.

Temporal origination hangs from Eternity,
or rather it flees from eternal Severity.

Though the universal intellect knows guidance,
when it comes to His Essence, it falls short.

Spirits are enraptured in this battlefield,
perplexed at the threshold of Majesty.

When they saw the glories of His Majesty,
they cut off coveting the Essence Itself.

The secret of Eternity was never perceived by anyone,
for Eternity is not described by nonexistence.

The holiness of His Essence accepts no imagination.
How could He who created the creatures die?

Until you see His Essence through the spirit of the spirit,
how will you recognize His signs through your secret core?

The prophets are enraptured in Him.
The saints are the dust of His road and His servants.

Were there no unveiling of His Beauty,
how could there be love in people’s spirits?

He made Himself recognized in the signs;
then He gave out the descriptions of the attributes.

O far removed from understanding, estimation, and imagination,
speaking in description of You is impossible.

In Your Beauty the intellect is mad,
in Your Majesty the spirit is a moth.