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Gazel dedicated to Müʾeyyedzade Abdurrahman Çelebi
Geldi çün garrâ gazeller bize ol cânândan
‘İsa-veş erdi nefes ben mürde-cisme cândan
Oldı şîrîn laʽlinüñ Ferhâdı dil-âşüftesi
Geçiser cân u cihândan geçmeyiser ândan
Firkatüñden kâmetüm halka itmişem hâtem gibi
Başuma seng-i melâmet almışam mercândan
Ruhlaruñ gül-zârına erdükce cânâ bâd-ı subh
‘Âlemi hoş-bû tutar ol sünbül ü reyhândan
Göreli kûyuñda cânum sen güzeller şâhını
Kalmadı Rıdvâna meylüm geçmişem gilmândan
Şüphesiz nâ-dân ü ebter cîlf ü bî-idrâktür
Ehl-i şiʽr içre seni yeg görmeyen Selmândan
Sen yalandan Hâtemî ‘âşık geçersin Mihrîye
Sümme vallâhî seni Mihrî yeg sever oğlandan
As brilliant lyrics reached us from that beloved
Jesus-like, a breath of life reached my dead body
Your sweet lip’s Ferhat became crazy at heart for it
He would give up life and this world, but never give it up
Parted from you, I bent my body like a signet
I was hit on the head by a stone of reproach made of coral
When the morning breeze comes to the rose-bed of your cheek, beloved
The whole world smells sweetly of hyacinth and sweet herbs
My dear, since I saw you, o lord of beauties, in your street
I have had no desire for Paradise and have given up beautiful boys
He is ignorant, vastly clownish and clueless
Who does not consider you superior to Selman-ı Saveci
Oh Hatemī, you falsely passed as a lover to Mihrī
But, by God, she loves you better than any boy.
Didem Havlioğlu (2017), Mihri Hatun: Performance, Gender-bending and Subversion in Ottoman Intellectual History(Syracuse). Translation by © Didem Havlioğlu.
Hâtime-i risâle
Hamdüllilah ʽavn idüp Rabbüʼl-enâm
Bu tazarrûʽ-nâmeyi kıldum temâm
Hamdülillah var iken ʽaklum bilüm
Bu ilâhîyâtı nazm itti dilüm
Hamdüllilah kî ecel virdi amân
Bu tazarrûʽ-nâmeyi kıldum beyân
Tâ okuyanlara nefʽ olmag içün
Dükelinler cürmi refʽ olmag içün
Söyledüm geldikçe elden her ki var
Kılmadum tatvîl kıldum ihtisâr
Rahmet ol sâhib kemâlüñ cânına
K’okuyıp tañʽ itmeye noksânına
Setride eksiklügin her ki var
İtmeye cühhâle ʽaybuñ âşikâr
İşidüp taʽñ itmeye her bî- haber
Mihrînüñ kalbine gelmeye keder
Çünki nâkıs ʽakl olur dirler nisâ
Her sözüñ magrûr tutmakdur revâ
Lîk Mihrî dâʽinüñ zannı budur
Bu sözi der ol ki kâmîl usludur
Bir müennes yegdurur kim ehl ola
Biñ müzekkerden ki ol nâ-ehl ola
Bir müennes yeg ki zihnî pâk ola
Biñ müzekkerden ki bî-idrâk ola
İmdi iy ehl-i saʽâdet müslimîn
Budurur sizden temennâmuz hemîn
Okudukça bu kitâbı siz ʽaziz
Mihrînüñ cânına rahmet diyesiz
Her kim okırsa dilerüm andan recâ
Kim dirig itmeye Mihrîden duʽâ
Hayr ile yâd idesüz sizden diler
Zîra kulı kul duʽâsı yarlıgar
Hayr ile her kim ki yâd eyler anı
Dü-cihânda çekmesün mihnet cânı
Okuyanı yâ Rab it yanuñda hâs
Dinleyeni kıl günâhından halâs
Nazm iden bî- çâreye kıl rahmeti
Vakt-i âhirde vir aña nusreti
Kıl anuñ şeytândan imânuñ emîn
Cümle İslâm ehli ile yâ Muʽîn
The Last Word
Praise God, aided by the Lord of Humankind
I brought this humble missive to an end
Praise God, while I still had my wits and wisdom
My tongue versified these divine canticles
Praise God, for He mercifully put off my end
And I put this humble missive into words
So that it be of use to those who read it
That it remove the sins of those who hear it
I expressed whatever was in my power to say
I did not stretch it out but kept it brief
God’s mercy upon the soul of that excellent one
That he may read it and not decry its deficiencies
May he veil whatever lacks it may contain
May he not make the ignorant aware of its faults
Let every ignoramus hear it and not cast blame
That no sorrow befall the heart of Mihri
Since they say women lack reason
All their words should be excused
But your well-wisher Mihri’s notion is that
He who is perfectly wise, has this to say
A capable woman is much better than
A thousand incapable men
A clear-headed woman is much better than
A thousand muddle-headed men
Now, o fortunate Muslim nation
This is exactly our wish for you
As you, dear ones, read this book
Pray for mercy unto Mihri’s soul
Who ever reads it, I beg a boon from them,
That they not withold a prayer from Mihri
She begs that you remember her for goodness
For a believer’s prayer brings forgiveness of sins
May everyone who remembers her for goodness
Suffer no torment of soul in both worlds
O Lord, may those who read it be special in your sight
May those who listen to it be forgiven their sins
Show mercy to the helpless one who put it in verse
Grant her your aid in the latter days
Keep her faith safe from Satan
And so with all Islam, O Perfect Helper
Mehmet Arslan (ed.) (2018), Mihrî Hâtun Dîvânı (Ankara, T.C. Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı). Translated by © Walter Andrews and Didem Havlioğlu.