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The Rose Kaside

Çıdı yaşıl perdeden ʿarż eyledi rusâr gül
Sildi mir’ât- ı żamîr-i pâkden jengâr gül

Câm dut sâî ki gül-bünler gül ihâr ettiler
Sen dahi bir gülbün-i ra
ʿnâsun et ihâr gül

Geldi ol dem kim ola ihâr-ı ikmet ılmağa
adr ile adr-ı af-ı ezhâr gül

Yetdi ol mevsim ki açmağa gönüller mülkini
Ola gül-şende reyâhin
ayline ser-dâr gül

Âdem isen bâğ seyrin eyle bu mevsimde kim
Bâğı reng ü bûy ile
ıldı behişt-âsâr gül

Çâr-sû-yı bâğ seyrânı bu gün mergûbdur
Kim şükûfe anda sarraf oldı vü
ʿAṭṭâr gül

Çımış iken bezm-i gül-şenden yine ʿavdet edüp
Câm-ı mey
undurdı ehl-i tevbeye tekrâr gül

absden Yûsuf çıkup Sulân-ı Mır olmuş kimi
Oldı açup ġoncesin ârâyiş-i gül-zâr gül

an Züleyhâ alvetidür ġonce-i der-beste kim
dı andan dâmen-i çâkiyle Yûsufvâr gül

Çâk olup bulmuş afâ bâd-ı seherden anasun
Bâddur Cibrîl ü alb-i Ahmed-i Mutâr gül

Şeb-nem-i gül-zâr-ı rusâr-ı Resûlü’llah’dur
ʿıriyle ılar her dem anı iş’âr gül

Dürr-i şeb-nem saçdı rengîn berglerden her taraf
ândân etdi ûblar kimi gevher-bâr gül

ûret-i âline hayrân eyledi ʿârifleri
ʿirfân ehline gencîne-i esrâr gül

Sebze üzre gezdürür bâd-ı abâ gül bergini
Sanki sebze âsmândur kevkeb-i seyyâr gül

ıldı pinhân ġoncenüñ lu’b ile gözden oḳḳasun
olmaz hîç reng ile zihî ʿayyâr gül

Yüz çevirmiş ârden ayrılma ister bî-sebep
Mün’im-i nâ
es kimi alından eyler ʿâr gül

âr-i ġayret n’ola ger sancılsa gül-bün bağrına
Ayrılup andan olur hem-sohbet-i ağyâr gül

Yeridür odlara yansa asret ile âr kim
Andan alır zîb ü zînet ġayre olur yâr gül

Bî-vefâlıġ ʿâdetin dutmuş anun’çündür bu kim
ʿÖmrden olmaz cihân bâğında berordâr gül

Hansı bülbül anı dutmuş bilmezem kim muṭṭaıl
Geh esîr-i
âr olur geh mübtelâ-yı nâr gül

Seyr-i bâġ ettim seher gördüm açup mecmûʿasun
ıf edüp bu malaʿı eylerdi istiżâr gül

ʿÂşı olmuş hüsniñe ey serv-i hoş reftâr gül
Çâk çâk etmiş senüñ çün sîne-i efgâr gül

Gül ne nisbetdür saña senden ana yüz far var
Sen büt-i perde-nişînsin şâhed-i bâzâr gül

Öyle pinhân eylemiş göğsinde sırr-ı ʿışuñı
Kim ayağından asarlar eylemez i
hâr gül

Tûtyâ-yı çeşm için her ub-dem yollar dutup
âk-i der-gâhuñ abâdan eyler istifsâr gül

Seyr-i gülzâr ettiğüñ peyk-i abâdan fehm edüp
Genc-i zer
ılmış müheyyâ ılmağa îsâr gül

Berg-i güller anma rengîn hiştler cem‘ eylemiş
Çekmeğe ol genc-i zer
ıfına bir dîvâr gül

Tâ serîr-i sebzeyi depretmeye tahrîk-i bâd
Sâyesinden urdı her lev
ine bir mismâr gül

Her seher gül-zâr levine çeker yüz dâ’ire
Gâlibâ minkâr-ı bülbülden alır pergâr gül

ʿAyş için gülşen şebistânın münevver ılmağa
Her ağaçta a
dı bir andil-i pür-envâr gül

Bunca andili fürûzân eyledi ammâ ne sûd
Dûd-ı dilden
ıldı bülbül rüzgârın târ gül

Dâr-ı dünyâyı fezâ-yı cennete dönderdi lîk
Ġonce kimi bülbüle dünyâyı
ıldı ar gül

Bir zebân-ı âldür her yaprağı fehm etseler
âk olanlardan verir abâr gül

Bülbülüñ zâr ettiği feryâdlar te’sîridür
vâb-ı ʿademden olmamış bîdâr gül

Bâğbân Sulân-ı ʿâdil devridür tenbîh ıl
Urmasun gül-zâre âteş
ulm edüp zinhâr gül

Cevr eliyle ġonceveş pirâhenüñ çâk etmesün
Cünbiş-i nâ-mu
ʿtedilden ılsun istiğfâr gül

Yosâ nâ-geh ûret-i âli olur Sulâna ʿarż
ahra uğrar muteżâ-yı vażʿ-ı nâ-hemvâr gül

Ol gül-i bâğ-ı ilâfet kim bahâr-ı devleti
ʿÂlem-efrûz olalı göremez cefâ-yı âr gül

Oldı devrinde hevâ mabûs-ı zindân-ı abâb
Gâlibâ görmüş hevâdan şemme-i âzâr gül

Berg-i gül gezdürmez oldı mamil-i bâd-ı abâ
addi yo kim çektire bâd-ı abâya bâr gül

Sarsar-ı ahr-ı cihân-sûzından âgâh olalı
Açmaz oldı bûstân-ı fitne-i eşrâr gül

alvet-i lufınadur nûr-ı dil-i mü’min çerâğ
ahrınadur dâğ-ı dil-i küffâr gül

Şâh-ı dîn Sulân Süleymân-ı se‘âdet-mend kim
Kesb eder
uluşından nüzhet-i etvâr gül

Başa almış mihrini rûz-ı ezelden çerh-i pîr
Eyle kim gül-ru
lar eyler zînet-i destâr gül

Inılâb-i devrden bulmazdı hergiz itilâl
Alsa andan ükmine fermân-istimrâr gül

Zevk bâzârında bulmazdı bu reng ile revâc
Etmeseydi nakş-ı mühriñ sikke-i dînâr gül

Olma için murib-i bezmi dutup bir dâ’ire
Öğrenir her
ub bülbülden fen-i edvâr gül

Maba-ı cûdına kim dûdına sünbüldür ġulâm
âr-keşlik san‘atin dutmuş değil bî-kâr gül

urtulur fet ettiği kişver belâ-yı fitneden
Kim açıldıkda dikenden ayrılır nâ-çâr gül

Şerh edüp sûsenlere evsâf-ı ulın gezdürür
Ġonceden her
ub açup gül-şende bir tûmâr gül

atre-i şeb-nem midür yâ el açup sâ’il kimi
azîn-i lufından almış lü’lü’-i şeh-vâr gül

oymayup devrinde vîrân kâr-gâh-i gül-bünü
Bir ayağ üzre durup olmuş ona mi‘mâr gül

Adli eyyâmında şebnem anmanuz kim bülbülüñ
çasun oynında ıf etmiş olup ġam-âr gül

Dâmen-i pâkiyle ol behçet-fezâ-yı mülkdür
Ger cihân bâğında cennet güllerinden var gül

Vaż‘-ı ʿâlemden felek masûdı oldur kim olur
âri manûr-ı ulü’l-ebsâr gül

Ferrine vermez alel âr ile ılma iltifât
Zîb ü zînet verdigiyçin
âre olmaz âr gül

Mîve ol Sulân-ı ʿâdildür nihâl-i devlete
a gelmiş selâin-i felek-midâr gül

N’ola ger sâbılar oldıysa fenâ oldur ġaraż
Mîve gösterdikte dökmek resmdür eşcâr gül

ıl Fużûlî medin ol Şâh’uñ ki bâğ-ı medinüñ
Bülbüli olurdı bulsa
uvvet-i güftâr gül

Gerçi yotur i‘tibâruñ medin et ihâr kim
ʿÂdet-i devr-i zamândur âre olma yâr gül

Var ümîdüm nice kim resm-i medâr-ı dehrdür
Yılda bir kez
ʿâleme ʿarż eylemek dîdâr gül

Fet bâğından aña her dem ilâf-ı bâğ-ı dehr
Tâze tâze aça lu
f-ı Îzîd-i Cebbâr gül

Out of the green screen it emerged and submitted its face, the rose
Wipe the verdigris from the mirror of the clean heart it did, the rose

O cup-bearer raise your cup, as the rose-bushes have manifested roses
You too are a pungent rose-bush, so manifest a rose

That moment has arrived when, for the sake of manifesting the wisdom
It will have the joy of opening its chest as the foremost of the ranks of flowers, the rose

The season has arrived when, for opening the domains of the heart,
It will be commander of the army of flowers in the rose garden, the rose

If you are a sensible human, have a tour of the garden in this season
As, with its hues and scents, it has turned the garden into heaven itself, the rose

It is this day which is perfect for wandering in the bazaar of the garden
Where the white blossom is the money-lender and a perfume seller,
ʿAṭṭâr himself, the rose

Having left the banquet of the rose garden, it returned again
And offered a glass of wine to the people of repentance, the rose

Just like Joseph came out and became the Sultan of Egypt
Having opened its bud it has become the ornament of the rose-garden, the rose

Imagine the closed bud like the solitude of Zuleykha
It emerged from there like Joseph with his skirt torn, the rose

Imagine, the rose has opened up and found calmness from the morning breeze
The morning breeze is Gabriel, and the heart of the Chosen Ahmad is the rose

It is the dew drop of the rose garden of the face of the Apostle of God
It tells of Him every moment by spreading its scent, the rose

It has spread in all directions pearls of dew from its colourful petals
Like the smiling lips of the beautiful ones, it has scattered jewels, the rose

Dazzling the doyens of gnosis with the shape of its state
It has opened a treasure of secrets for the people of gnosis, the rose

The morning breeze scatters the rose petals over greenery
As if the greenery is the sky and its wandering star the rose

In jest it concealed from the eyes the bud’s ink pot
No way of finding it, with any colour; What a trickster, the rose!

It turned away from the thorns and wants to separate, for no reason
Like a despicable magnate it is ashamed of its origins, the rose

What if the thorn of jealousy should prick the bosom of the rosebush
As soon as it separates from the bush, it enters the company of strangers, the rose

If the thorn should burn with disappointment in the flames, this is how it should be:
Though it draws beauty and ornament from the thorn, it becomes a darling to others, the rose

It has adopted infidelity as its trait and custom, so much so that
In the garden of the world it never shares in the fruit of life, the rose

I know not on account of what nightingale its blood is boiling continuously,
At times it is a prisoner of the thorn, at times up in flames, the rose

I strolled in the garden before dawn and saw it opening its notebook
It was manifesting this opening verse committed to memory, the rose

O cypress of the elegant gait! It is in love with your beauty, the rose
It has torn apart its wounded chest chest for you, the rose

What’’s a rose in comparison to you; there are a hundred different faces to you
You are a beautiful veiled idol; it’s just a common bazaar sweetheart, the rose

It has concealed the secret of your love in its chest in such a way
Even if they hanged it by its feet it would manifest it not, the rose

Every dawn it sets out in all directions to find kohl for the eyes
It asks the morning breeze about the dust of your threshold, the rose

Understanding from the messenger of the morning breeze that you are strolling in the rose-garden
It has prepared a golden treasure to scatter at your feet, the rose

Do not imagine these are rose-petals; gathered colourful bricks it has,
To draw a wall to protect its treasury of gold, the rose

So that the force of the wind does not disturb the throne of green,
It has struck a nail with its shadow to each of its tablets, the rose

Every dawn it draws a hundred circles on the plate of the rose garden
Manifestly it is using the beak of the nightingale as a pair of compasses, the rose

To enlighten the night darkness of the rose garden for a celebration
It has hung a candle full of light on every tree, the rose

It has lit so many candles but to what avail?
It turned the nightingale’’s day into darkness with its heart smoke, the rose

It turned the abode of this world to the vastness of paradise, but
For the nightingale, it darkened the world like a bud, the rose

If only they could understand: each of its petals is a silent tongue of its condition
It gives news of those veiled with dust, the rose

It is because of the wailing cries of the nightingale,
Not for no reason, that it has awakened from the sleep of non-existence, the rose

O gardener, this is the era of the Just Sultan, beware
Never allow it to be unjust and set the rose garden on fire, the rose

Let it not rip its bud-like shirt with the hand of oppression
Let it repent for its excessive excitement, the rose

Or else a report of its condition will be submitted to the Sultan at once
And it will fall foul of his wrath for its improper stance, the rose

He is such a rose in the garden of caliphdom that the spring of his prosperous state,
Ever since it enlighted the world, it stopped suffering from the thorn, the rose

In his just era, air was imprisoned in the dungeon of the dew-drops
Evidently it suffered slight offence from air, the rose

The morning breeze no longers transports rose-petals in its litter:
It has no right to ask the morning breeze to carry any load, the rose

Ever since it became aware of the cold wind of his world-burning rage
The garden of sedition of the evil no longer dares open a rose

The radiance of the heart of the believers is the candle which lights up the recluse of his kindness
In the rose-garden of his rage the infidels’ hearts have been branded like a rose

From the lord of religion, the felicitous Sultan Suleyman,
From the beauty of his good nature it acquires the delight of its modes, the rose

Since all eternity the aged celestial sphere has brought its affection to head
Just like the rose-faced ones who decorate their headgear with a rose

It would have never been disturbed by the change of seasons
Had it obtained for itself a ferman of perpetual safe passage, the rose

It would never be in demand with this colour in the bazaar of taste
Had it not made the decoration of its seal in the shape of a
dînâr coin, the rose

To be a musician at his banquet, it grabs a tambourine
And learns the art of musical rotation from the nightingale every morning, the rose

In the kitchen of his generosity where the hyacinth is a servant to his smoke
It is not sitting idle, it has taken up the art of fetching thorns, the rose

The lands which he conquered are spared the affliction of sedition
Just as it inevitably separates from the thorns when it blooms, the rose

To describe the attributes of his beauty to the iris, it circulates
In the rose-garden a scroll which it opens every dawn from the buds, the rose

Is it a drop of dew, or has it opened its hand like a beggar
And taken a precious pearl from the treasure of his kindness, the rose?

In his era it has not abandoned the workplace of the rose-bush
Standing on one leg, it has become an architect, the rose

Do not believe it to be a dew drop; in the days of his justice, the nightingale’’s
Coin it has kept on its bosom, but it is spent on grieving, the rose

He is one bestowing cheerfulness on the realm with his unblemished outfit
If there exists in the garden of this world from paradise a rose

From the fixing of the world the celestial intention is he
From growing thorns the expectation of the foresighted is a rose

It does not diminish its luster to sing the praises of the thorn
It does not become a thorn when it bestows beauty and ornament to the thorn, the rose

The fruit of prosperity’’s sappling is this just Sultan
He is, of the sultans who came earlier, in the amounts of the [nine] heavens, a rose

If all the previous Sultans are no longer, no reason for rancour:
When they bear fruit, it is the custom for the trees to shed a flower

Fuzûlî, sing the praises of this Shah, for in the garden of his praise
It would have been its nightingale, had it found the power of speech, the rose

Though you have no esteem, do manifest his praise
It is the custom of this period for the thorn to be a companion of the rose

I do have hope as long as it is the custom of the turning of fortune that
Once a year it submits its face to the world, the rose

Unlike the garden of fortune, for him all the time, and from the garden of conquest
Let the kindness of All-Mighty God keep opening the freshest rose

Ahmet Attila Şentürk (1999), Osmanlı şiiri antolojisi (Istanbul, YKY), 296-313. English translation © Yorgos Dedes.